Wellness Tips: The Holiday Edition

We are halfway through December, which can often be a busy time of year with end-of-year deadlines to meet on top of all of the holiday parties, kids’ holiday concerts, shopping that needs to be done and more. Here are 5 wellness tips to help you and your family get through the last month of the year and be able to hopefully enjoy some time with family and friends over the holidays.


We are in the middle of cold and flu season and if you don’t already know or haven’t already gotten sick, there are a couple of viruses and microbes circulating around causing anything from just a head cold to prolonged coughs or even ‘walking pneumonia’. The reason why this particular type of pneumonia going around is called ‘walking pneumonia’ is because people can harbour the microbe causing it (often mycoplasma) and not show symptoms but pass it to others through close contact.

Probiotics, vitamin D, and vitamin C are three key supplements to help strengthen and support your immune system however knowing how much and which brand to take really depends on your blood levels and/or what is going on with your health. There are also many naturopathic supplements for kids and adults for fighting viral and bacterial infections and to help relieve coughs, congestion, fevers, and body aches. You do want to be careful when using supplements though, especially if you are also using any medications, to make sure there are no interactions so speaking with a healthcare professional is best.

As a reminder, most colds are viral so really it will be about rest, lots of fluids, and comfort. Antibiotics are meant for bacterial infections or secondary bacterial infections.


I hope you can find some time for rest and relaxation, even if this means intentionally opening up your planner and scheduling a couple of “nothing-to-do” days or a “spa day”. This will also help to reset your adrenals and cortisol (stress hormone) levels which in turn will help keep your other hormones in balance as you head into a new year. A massage or acupuncture can also help with relaxation. Did you know naturopathic doctors can offer acupuncture as part of your naturopathic benefit coverage?


As much as it is hard to stay away from all the delicious foods over the holidays, know the foods that really aggravate you and try to stay away from them. Need some help identifying these foods? A food sensitivity test or sometimes even a thorough analysis of your health history can help determine what to stay away from.

It can also be helpful to have your digestive aids in your bag or accessible in case you eat something that is bothersome. This can include anything like bitters, digestive enzymes, antimicrobial herbs, probiotics, or even the lactase enzyme if you are lactose intolerant. It might help you stop feeling bloated, gassy and having the runs at someone’s house after a delicious holiday dinner.

 If you are unsure of what to take to relieve your digestive symptoms like heartburn, reflux, bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea, I am here to guide you and give you some natural solutions for relief.


This can often be a hard one during the holidays when there is so much to do but you can turn it into a social activity. Staying active will support your physical and mental health because exercise releases endorphins which can uplift our mood during the cold, dark days of the year. Go for a walk after dinner with family/friends or plan some sports activities with your family. A bonus is that you will burn some of those calories you indulge in over the holidays!


This is often a hard one for many people. It’s natural to struggle saying “No”. Know that it is okay to say no if you don’t want to eat something because you know it will negatively affect you. If you don’t want to drink alcohol, you shouldn’t feel pressured to and be okay with opting for a non-alcoholic beverage instead. Be okay with saying no to friends / family if you are tired and need time alone and away from social stimulation. Try to give them notice ahead of time rather than backing out at the last minute and ruining their plans because nobody likes being bailed on.

 Saying “no” can be very powerful because it can help you re-claim your time and maybe even give you time in your busy schedule to find time for self-care and relaxation so you don’t feel burnt out.

If you are looking for some individualized naturopathic support and care for you and/or your kids, we offer personalized virtual or in-person naturopathic consultations.


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