TOP 7 Ways To Have A Fun & Healthy Summer!
Schools are winding down for the Summer. Formals, graduations, end of year parties, and commencements are in full swing. The days are getting longer and the weather is finally starting to get better with more sunshine and warm weather. This means more activities, more time outdoors and maybe even more fitness activities. It can also mean a desire to consume cooler foods and more salads and vegetables.
Summer also means lots to do and achieve in only a couple of months which can leave one feeling exhausted not to mention travel and jet lag. It may mean more alcohol and greasy food consumption because of all the festivals, house parties, and hitting up your favourite patio / bar until late night.
Keep reading for your Top 7 Summer Essentials to help keep your energy up, minimize any jet lag and even help keep your digestion and liver going strong while you engage in all the greasy food and alcohol consumption. We have even got you covered if you are looking for options to relieve any pain and healing any injuries so you can continue to play your Summer sports.
Wear sunscreen when you are going to be outdoors for prolonged periods of time. Ideally, a natural zinc oxide based sunscreen is the best because there was a preliminary study published in JAMA that stated that there is a possibility of systemic absorption of chemicals found in sunscreen some of which can lead to toxicity levels (Matta, 2019). Nevertheless, if you only have regular sunscreen, it is better than nothing when you are out in the sun for more than 15 minutes.
Check your skin and clothes for attached ticks when you are out camping or hiking or once you get back home. Exposure to ticks can occur in wooded areas. If you see a tick, remove it with tweezers and clean the area with rubbing alcohol and warm water/soap. Place the tick in a sealed Ziploc bag and take it to your MD (family physician) for identification. If you are going into wooded areas with a high-risk of ticks, wear long sleeves and pants.
Promote healthy eating inside the home - Since kids are home for the summer, there is a tendency to keep more snacks at home so try to choose healthier options for snacks and meals when eating at home. Save the not-so-healthy snacks for indulging when you are outside at a carnival or at an event.
A well-balanced meal should have a source of protein, non-starchy vegetables, a healthy fat even if your veggies are cooked in coconut oil then that counts, and a small amount of complex carbohydrate (a starchy vegetable OR whole-grain). Yes, protein in each meal NOT just at the end of the day.
Some delicious snack ideas for parties and snacks for the kids are:
Veggie sticks (bell peppers, carrots, celery, etc.) and hummus
Apple slices and nut/seed butter
Nut/seed butter and whole-grain crackers
Yoghurt with fruit or granola or just plain Greek yoghurt
Dehydration can make you feel tired and lethargic. If you are playing sports in the heat and sweating, replenishing with some electrolytes added to your water is important. Coconut water can be a good source of potassium, sodium, and magnesium (check label to make sure there is no added sugar). If you struggle to drink enough water in the day, adding some fruits or lemon slices to your water can add a subtle flavour to help you get more down. Electrolyte drinks can be great to send with kids to camps, especially if they are in an outdoor camp or a sports camp where they will be playing sports. Ener C or any other electrolyte recipe is often better than Gatorade.
Probiotics are especially important if you are traveling, especially to developing countries or tropical countries. Also, depending on where you are going, traveller’s diarrhea may be a thing. Generally, a multi-strain probiotic with lactobacillus and bifidobacteria is good but sometimes you may want a specific strain like saccharomyces boulardii. This is when it is best to speak with a naturopathic doctor or nutritionist on what the best probiotic for you. Some need to be kept in the fridge and some are shelf-stable making them better for traveling.
Keeping digestive enzymes in your purse or bag can be great if you are on the go or traveling and may likely eat something that makes you feel bloated. The purpose of enzymes is to add a little extra support for digesting protein, fat, carbohydrates and lactose to reduce gas and bloating. There are many types of enzymes on the shelves so asking your naturopathic doctor which one is best for you is always the best option. For example, if you have trouble with fat or have your gallbladder removed, you may want one with bile in it. There may also be something else going on in your gut too making it hard to digest certain foods so having your digestion assessed first with a naturopathic doctor or healthcare professional is ideal. Book an assessment with our naturopathic doctor.
Ensuring you get a good night’s sleep is important so you have the energy for the day’s activities. Unfortunately with traveling, long hours of daylight, and jet lag, sleep can get compromised. There are natural remedies that can help improve your sleep without needing sleep medications (pharmacotherapy). Melatonin can be fundamental in helping to overcome jet lag at your destination and / or when you get back however, there are specific doses so always speak to a naturopathic doctor about dosing melatonin as too much can create more morning drowsiness and vivid dreams.
IV vitamins, minerals, and amino acids such as B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium and glutathione can help provide some energy as well as support your liver detoxification pathways, particularly if you have found yourself indulge in increased alcohol (ahem,Stampede time). For those who don’t want an IV or for teens, vitamin injections are nice and quick and can also be effective in helping with energy. As our IV drips and vitamin injections are customized for your health status, an initial appointment is required. Initials can be done via video consultation (telemedicine) as well.
For those who have sports injuries like partial tendon tears or tennis elbow, osteoarthritis, or joint pain, pain management injections may help you heal your injury and relieve pain so you can get back to your golf or other sports activity this Summer.
Matta MK PhD; Zusterzeel R, MD, PhD, MPH; Pilli NR, PhD; et al. Effect of sunscreen application under maximal use conditions on plasma concentration of sunscreen active ingredients: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2019;321(21):2082-2091.